Dental fillings are a standard restorative dental procedure employed to address damage caused by cavities or other oral health issues. The choice of filling material is contingent upon the location and extent of the damage, as well as your overall oral health. If left unattended, cavities can progress, potentially necessitating more invasive procedures such as root canals.

The primary function of dental fillings is to seal off the damaged area of the tooth, preventing further decay. Initially, the filling material is placed into the cavity, and then it is solidified using a specialized light. This process not only restores the strength and structure of the tooth but also contributes to enhancing its appearance.

Dental Fillings in Dallas, TX, Floss Dental Dallas

Improve health with better teeth

Maintaining good overall health relies significantly on the health of your teeth. Unfortunately, teeth can undergo deterioration over time, leading to both functional and aesthetic concerns. Dental fillings serve as a solution to address issues such as cavities, cracks, or wear resulting from misuse, effectively restoring the affected teeth.

Whether you're dealing with teeth damage from nail-biting, a painful cavity in one of your canines, or a chipped tooth due to an accident, our team is prepared to offer assistance and support.

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