Same-Day Emergency Dental Appointment

Dallas, Texas

Floss Dallas with $49 Pain only exam & X-rays

Call Us- 214 506 2969
Experiencing a knocked-out tooth or struggling with a painful toothache or abscess that disrupts your sleep? Relief is at hand! Our clinic specializes in addressing dental emergencies.

How Do I Know if I Have a Dental Emergency?

Unlike other types of bodily injuries, dental emergencies are not always so clear. If you are trying to determine whether you have a dental emergency, ask yourself the following questions:
Emergency Dentist in Dallas, TX, Floss Dental Dallas


Toothaches and gum discomfort are prevalent, with approximately 25% of individuals in the United States reporting some form of tooth or gum discomfort within a six-month period, as indicated by surveys. While not every toothache qualifies as a dental emergency, it's essential not to dismiss the symptoms and assume they will resolve on their own.

New Patients & Emergency Appointments Welcome!